During preparations for my travels in 2017, I gathered links to articles or other content to share with followers of the project.
I haven’t had time to continue on board or afterwards… but now that I’ve taken Musicomexp on the road to different continents I might start again, who knows!

(2017 – taken from kickstarter archives + blog archives)
Credit Pietro Godenzi Fondation Pacifique

Aurélie on board Fleur de Passion near Ungalabu, PNG

Can our future lie in the oceans? A philosophical reflexion on solutions for our world and our time (in French).  

You might have missed this major step from the United Nations earlier this summer (2017). 

Traveling can give new points of view on our world, and also on ourselves. Thomas Pesquet just spent 196 days in space, here’s an amazing video staging his thoughts from the ISS when about to get home (in English and French).  

Ever listened to music underwater? Although the music produced in this project will be played on firm ground, I’ve found listening to music through water healing for my ears. These musicians make music to be played in water. 

 BRAINS! BRAINS! SKULLS! yes!! You must read the whole article(in English) 

Here’s loads of French radio! A poetic voyage into the abyss of our world, an exploration of music written about the sea, and an essay about sea and sailors in the lyrical world.  

The Ocean Mapping Expedition is conducting an acoustic mapping of the oceans never made on that scale before. I’ll be on board as an artist only, to try and make this mission visible under a new light through my work. When the expedition kicked off two years ago, these major changes in funding future oceanic research may not have been yet expected, but they make this work even more important now. Please support!!

 I’m no huge fan of lists, but this one will help you (re)discover amazing composers in non-popular music, read and listen! – (can’t call this classical though, WashingtonP:)) 

Noise pollution also hurts terra firma, in English and in French. 

What’s “Out of control” right now in the Solomon Islands?

Though FINALLY – it looks like the flying Hollander may have been caught. 

Check out the Ocean Mapping Expedition’s mission in their Manifesto, their scientific missions with undersea sound recording and nanoplastics sampling, and their program with cartoonists. My composition residency on board Fleur de Passion is an add-on to all of these activities. 

Remember the bloop (in English), (re)discover the blob (in French). 

Get into multi-artist Christine Ödlund’s deeply amazing world. 

Visit humpback whales’ music schools. 

The Ocean Mapping Expedition’s research around the Great Reef Barrier earlier this year (2017) 

(Re)watch Cikatri$’ time-distending “Lumière” performance.


SaxRecords 2017 — taken from kickstarter archives + blog archives